Creating an object

     There are three types of objects in cinema 4d. These are Polygons, polygon
     objects, primitives and special objects.

     At the moment we're only going to be using primitives and special objects, 
     polygonal objects are MUCH more complicated, and we WILL come to them later 

     Primitive types:

     These are simple, pre defined objects that you fit together to make bigger
     objects. For example, cubes, rectangles, cones, spheres etc,etc. Primitives
     are very very good for creating mechanical looking objects due to their

     Polygon objects

     I will explain these in much more depth later, but I'll just say that if you
     want to create organic looking models, your best bet is to use polygonal 
     objects. Dont try and walk before you can crawl =)

     Special objects. 

     Does exactly what it says on the tin.  3d text, fractal landscapes, suns,
     figures (a pretty shoddy looking human being :] ), and the emboss tool.

     Creating a primitive.

     To create a primitive, you can go into the Objects pulldown menu, you'll find 
     them under the submenu 'primitives', surprisingly enough =). You'll notice
     that all of the items under primitives have a small black dot beside them. This
     means that you can hold down the shift key while you select them, and it will
     bring up a window where you can change some options about the object before
     it is made. 

     For example, you can create a sphere simply by going to 
     Objects>>primitives>>sphere, fair enough. But if you hold
     down shift while you select it, you'll also notice that there is 
     a Second type of sphere, the imperfect sphere. If you select this, it 
     creates a different type of object than if you just went straight into the
     menu without pressing shift. The other advantage is that you can give the
     object a name, and dimensions, before you plonk it on the page.

     Creating a special object.

     Exactly the same as creating a primitive, but they're under the sub-menu...
     wait for it... special objects :) Again, they've got black dots beside them
     so you can change some properties about them before they're made. Definetly
     helpful in the case of the fractal landscape, where you can change a lot of
     important values about it.

     Creating a polygon object.

     This is MUCH more complicated, I'll leave this bit until later on in the
